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Cannabis Addiction
Cannabis although often portrayed as harmless is one of the most widely misused substances in the UK. Commonly referred to as ‘marijuana’, ‘weed’, ‘pot’, ‘skunk’, ‘grade’, ‘grass’ ‘ganga’ ‘hash’ ‘hemp’ cannabis can evoke feelings of deep relaxation and a sense of tranquillity and more often than not is thought of as harmless however repetitive cannabis consumption can be extremely addictive.
Typically it is smoked as ‘joint’ a hand rolled cigarette or in a pipe or a bong (water pipe) . It can also be ingested by mixing the leaves, flowers and seeds into food or brewed as a tea to drink.
The Effects of Cannabis Addiction
Cannabis contains the (mind altering) chemical delta – 9 – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which when smoked passes rapidly from the lungs into the bloodstream which carries the substance to the brain and internal organs. When ingested through food or drink THC is absorbed more slowly.
Symptoms of cannabis addiction vary from person to person and are dependant upon on the amount of cannabis consumed and the frequency of use.
Psychological symptoms of cannabis addiction:
Physical symptoms of cannabis addiction:
Behavioural and social symptoms of cannabis addiction:
Common withdrawal symptoms include:
Long term use can result in withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop.
The health risks associated with cannabis addiction are often related to heart and lung problems and mental health conditions such as:
Break free from Cannabis Addiction's haze.
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